I was asked to write an article for the MAA’s (Mathematical Association of America) Math Values blog about my experiences as an older graduate student. It was published today, you can read it here:…/back-to-the-books…


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Math Voice Recognition Technology has Disappeared

There have been some unfortunate developments in the last year. Currently, the Math Voice Recognition system I use requires 3 pieces of software (on Windows): Dragon Professional Individual, Scientific Notebook, and MathTalk. Unfortunately, the companies which make Scientific Notebook and MathTalk recently went out of business. So the software can no longer be purchased. Long-term (over the next 5 years or so), I (and others) will have to switch to some other system.

Given my reliance on such a system, I have already been researching a replacement. To be clear, no replacement technically exists. However, I looked into WYSIWYG math script program to replace Scientific Notebook (think Microsoft Word, but for math) and decided to transition over to Lyx (which is free). Lyx has the advantage that it is open source, and therefore will not go out of business in the future. But Lyx has no inherent voice recognition capacity. I have been in contact with the Lyx developer community, and have recently developed some scripting which will allow me to speak commands, which Dragon will then translate into LaTeX and insert that code into Lyx. I have generated scripts providing for the creation of most basic math functions, but it is early days, and I will most likely add much more going forward.

My plan is to get the functionality to a stable place, and then provide these scripts to the disability community. The scripts need to be imported into Dragon. Beyond that, there will be a learning curve. I plan to create a “dictionary” so that the user knows what commands can be spoken, and what the result will be. Currently, I just look at the list of scripts to remind myself.

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Curriculum Vitae

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Teaching Philosophy

I am dedicated to reducing the degree to which my students’ success may be limited by their socioeconomic status, previous negative experiences in mathematics, or being part of an historically marginalized community.  I do this by presenting mathematics in such a way that students feel confident in their ability to master it (if they put in the time) and making mathematics more engaging and relevant to my students’ lives.

My path to teaching mathematics started when I pursued my undergraduate in mathematics teaching in the “Urban Teaching Program” at Metropolitan State University, and subsequently earned my state teaching license. The program had a very strong emphasis on developing teaching strategies to better serve marginalized communities, learning their histories in the United States, and serving as a student teacher in a school whose students were largely from these communities. Along the way, I also volunteered in many venues; tutoring students with mental illness toward their GED, tutoring in afterschool programs and in underserved high schools in Minneapolis.

My interest in more advanced mathematics led me to apply to the graduate program at the University of Minnesota, where I became a TA for Calculus I/II and Linear Algebra with Differential Equations. My duties included two discussion sections (30 students each) that met twice a week where I was responsible for preparing students for exams. I generated/graded quizzes and homework as well as assisted in the grading of the common midterms and final.

It was during this time that I applied techniques from my “Mathematics Comprehension Strategy Log.” This is a compilation I made, while in the teaching program, of mathematics education strategies which have been shown to minimize the achievement gap among marginalized communities.  Among other techniques, I used “Think-Aloud” where you give students access to your inner math voice as you work a problem, and “Internet Workshop” where students gather and share web resources relevant to the class content.

Additionally, I experimented with monitoring comprehension using an app called PollEverywhere that gave real-time feedback while teaching. I also experimented with increasing student engagement through an online collaborative learning tool: Perusall. Their website hosts teaching materials and allows students to engage with each other regarding the material. It also maintains an “engagement score,” which gives me feedback. This became very useful during the COVID pandemic in keeping students engaged while distance learning. I also made class notes for each lesson available to my students via PDFs.  My efforts have resulted in six University of Minnesota, Center for Educational Innovation “Thank a Teacher” Awards. I also average 5.5 out of 6 in the student ratings of my teaching performance.

Through these teaching experiences, I’ve grown to believe that effective instruction requires us to ensure mathematical content is accessible, relevant, and interesting to students.  Without a concerted effort, math is often accessible only to students with certain backgrounds and motivations. Unfortunately, this perpetuates historical inequities in academia and society.  So, we must challenge ourselves to provide learning environments in which students with weak mathematical backgrounds, or initial disinterest in the subject can access mathematical ideas and find motivation to study them.  These goalposts are what motivate and guide my experimentation in teaching.

As a result, within my presentation and materials, I create on-ramps for students who might be struggling due to mathematical deficits. Examples include thinking about which prior math steps are assumed in my presentation, and briefly reminding students along the way; or providing class notes which include more step-by-step explanations for those struggling with prior math. I also apply mathematics to things students might be interested in (sports, biology, video games, etc.). I’ve also been surprised at how frequently math books or lessons fail to include simple graphs or images that would provide a student with an intuitive understanding. These good practices are now ironed into my teaching style.

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Research Statement

In the urban landscape where I grew up, there wasn’t much of the natural world to be found. However, as a child I found a fascination in staring at the stars and planets; and speculating about the inner workings of the universe. Now I research celestial gravity in two of its manifestations: orbital mechanics and black hole gravitational waves.

As it relates to orbital mechanics, I wrote my dissertation on the two-body problem. That is, the problem of predicting the motions of two bodies that are interacting freely due to gravity (imagine two asteroids out in space). Newton solved a simplified version of the problem, where one assumes that each body is merely a point mass (each body is infinitely tiny). However, the full two-body problem (where we do not make such an assumption) is an still open problem. Since this describes a dynamical system, our first task is to identify equilibria of the system (configurations where the bodies can remain motionless). However, because the bodies are orbiting each other, we don’t expect a proper equilibrium solution. But we might be able to find “relative equilibria” (RE), where the bodies are moving (orbiting each other), but they maintain a constant radius, and they do not rotate relative to each other. Another task is to determine whether these RE are stable, that is, whether such a configuration, when perturbed, will remain close to the RE.

Many researchers have investigated the full two-body problem. My contribution has been researching an approximation of the full two-body problem where each body is modeled not by a point mass (as Newton did), but by two point-masses connected with a massless rod, a “dumbbell.”

My research has revealed symmetric RE (configurations in which the two bodies are colinear, perpendicular, or parallel), as well as some asymmetric RE bifurcating from these symmetrical ones. I’ve also located an upper bound on the radius of these asymmetrical RE and characterized their stability (both linear and nonlinear).

The mathematics involved includes generating a Lagrangian from the kinetic and potential energies of the configuration, and then using the Euler-Lagrange equation to find the equations of motion. As a simplification, however, I also reduce the equations by using the fact that at a RE there is rotational symmetry. Another researcher, Smale, showed that after such a reduction the RE can then be found as critical points of the reduced potential. As a bonus, if these critical points are minimums, Smale showed that they are nonlinearly stable.

But why do we care? Practically speaking, many of the finite resources humans use on earth can be found in asteroids, many of which are irregular in shape. The shapes of these asteroids and the probes we’ll be sending there can be modeled by masses connected by rods. And the calculations a spacecraft will need to make to find a static orbit or RE around these asteroids will need to be based on gravitational models that consider their irregular shapes. Finding these RE is the aim of my research.

I was lucky as an undergraduate to have conducted research into environmental science with my mathematical modeling professor, Rikki Wagstrom. Knowing of my interest in celestial objects, upon my graduation she suggested I join a research team working on black holes. Since then, I have conducted research with mathematician Michael Green and physicist Ramin Daghigh at Metropolitan State University, St. Paul.

Einstein taught us that when the universe gives birth to a black hole, it cries out with gravity waves. My colleagues and I calculate the “sound” that different types of black holes make at birth, or when otherwise perturbed. A black hole’s gravity waves are analogous to an earthquake’s seismographic waves, they can be read as curvy lines on a page (called waveforms). A few years ago, scientists were finally able to detect gravity waves in this way. But what can we learn about black holes from looking at these waveforms? Can we determine the type or size of the black hole?

My colleagues and I take mathematical models (partial differential equations) representing black holes of different types, and then calculate the gravity waves predicted by these models. That way, when scientists detect gravity waves from space, one can compare those waveforms to those calculated from our research, and thereby determine the type of black hole which generated the waves. Additionally, since there is still much debate about the exact structure of black holes, we can compare the waveforms predicted by competing theories to determine which theory is correct.

Specifically, we recently published a paper in Physical Review D that examines the quasinormal modes (QNMs) produced by a “regular” black hole. Thinking of a piano, QNMs are to waveforms what individual notes are to a musical chord. QNMs are indivisible components which, once added together, produce the waveform. A regular black hole is one for which there is no singularity. Rather, the central mass is compact, but finite. Because the QNMs we calculated had negative imaginary parts, this implies damping of the QNMs (the amplitude of the waves will diminish over time). This further implies the black hole will not gravitationally radiate away all its mass, i.e., it is stable.

We also published a paper in Physical Review D which introduced a technique to simplify the calculations involved in the process of finding the waveforms. Some mathematical models lend themselves more easily to waveform calculation. For the more difficult models, we showed you can approximate the gravitational potential appearing in the differential equation with one allowing for more easy calculations, while still approximating the waveform to any accuracy desired.

The mathematics involved in calculating QNMs includes substituting an educated guess for the solution (an “ansatz,” which turns out to be a series), into the differential equation. Subsequently, we find from this equation an n-term recurrence relation, we turn this relation into an equation involving an infinite continued fraction, and then numerically solve that equation for the QNMs. While this process was originally done for the simplest of black holes, my contribution has been to generalize this process for implementation with more complicated theoretical models. These generalizations are coded using Mathematica.

Future Research

I have plans to expand my two-body problem research to include bodies consisting of 2 dumbbells perpendicular to each other, connected along their rods, a “pinwheel.” This way, each body is two-dimensional, instead of the one-dimensional dumbbell. The end goal would be eventually to model each body as a three-dimensional object, with 3 dumbbells connected along their rods, a “jack.” This model would provide a lot of flexibility to approximate real-world objects (as you modify each body’s six mass parameters, and three rod length parameters).

Regarding gravitational waves, my colleagues and I are planning to study other theoretical models for “regular” black holes, possibly using the approximation technique described in our earlier paper to produce gravitational waveforms and checking for stability. Results from this research will help to reveal which theoretical black hole models represent real black holes, and which models can be eliminated.

I am lucky to have been able to pursue my childhood fascination. Not only have I had the chance to learn about those motions in the night sky, but also to contribute to the scientific conversation. I also look forward to providing undergraduates with a similar opportunity to the one I was afforded. There are many extensions of my two-body problem work that an undergraduate could pursue with my guidance. In addition, some of the research I did as an undergraduate into automobile fossil fuel consumption and electoral voting systems could be updated and extended by an undergraduate researcher. I look forward to making these opportunities available, as well as continuing my own research path.

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MathTalker – Math Pedagogy and Disability

My name is Jodin Morey. I am currently a doctoral student in the mathematics department at the University of Minnesota. With this blog, I will discuss mathematical pedagogy, as well as the challenges faced by people pursuing mathematics with a physical disability.

I have bilateral tendinosis of my hands, which requires the use of voice recognition technology to “type” mathematics. Indeed, I produced this blog post using voice recognition! As you might imagine, producing advanced mathematics using one’s voice is no small thing. I have some limited use of my hands, so I can direct a mouse. However, clicking is a problem. So, instead of clicking with the mouse, I click with a foot pedal (pictured above).


Three desktop applications coordinate to produce the mathematical script. First, I use Dragon Dictate for speech recognition. Then, an application called MathTalk reinterprets these words as mathematical symbols (requiring the user to learn commands for the different symbols, as well as the NATO phonetic alphabet). And finally, MathTalk enters the appropriate symbols into Scientific Notebook (think of this as a word processor, but for mathematics). Unfortunately, if you use a Macintosh (as I do), you need BootCamp, or some Windows emulator to get this set-up working.

Making all of this work well requires extensive training. To say the learning curve is steep would be an understatement. And even after one is trained in, it is still much slower to use than using one’s hands. But it has delivered me through most of a doctoral program!


I have two main areas I wish to explore with this blog. First, to offer pointers to those who might wish to pursue mathematics using MathTalk. And secondly, to discuss the unfortunate state of pedagogy in the field of mathematics. Much must be done to make the topic accessible to a wider, more diverse and underrepresented group of learners.

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